Safety & Health

Love Affairs '23


Past experiences have crippled many minds and locked them in between by not being able to move forward. The past is meant to be an experience to navigate the present and prepare for the future, but what of in a situation when your past is the one lingering you to move forward? That's terrible.


At Love affairs, we are going to be learning in-depth knowledge and wisdom to scale through the past experiences, and exposed to healing processes that are practical to live the best of our lives.


Join us on the 29th of April, 2023 at exactly 10 O'Clock Am. It's going to be an amazing turnaround experience in your life.


Join Us. 

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Not sure how to create your personalized DP
To create your personalized DP

1. Tap the avatar to upload your photo (Square photos are recommended to avoid clipping)

2. Enter your name in the text field

3. Once image is uploaded and you are satisfied with the preview, click "Generate my DP"
