
School of Worship


Hi, It's that season again!, 
The time is here. By the mercies of God, we have received permission to hold another edition of school of worship.
The last one was massive as you can testify. We saw miracles and breakthroughs like never before and now, the Lord is set to do much more.

I am inviting you to this encounter and not just you, come with your friends and family. Make 4th-6th of March a holiday for you. You'll never be the same again.

Details on the venue and time would be communicated shortly.

I implore you to prepare prayerfully for the meeting and register your details here so that we can accurately plan for your arrival.


Yours in Christ,
Pastor Benjamin Akanni

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1. Tap the avatar to upload your photo (Square photos are recommended to avoid clipping)

2. Enter your name in the text field

3. Once image is uploaded and you are satisfied with the preview, click "Generate my DP"
