
Education to Employment Career Workshop 2023 by HSSN Africa


Project E2E: Creating Pathways to Increase Youth Employment is an initiative of Human and Social Sustainable Network Africa (HSSN Africa) that aims to curb the increasing rate of un- and under-employment in Africa by equipping young people with the skills and resources they require to secure full, quality employment and succeed in today's ever-changing job market. This project will run for 6 months and entail a physical career workshop, a 3-month training, and a 3-month internship placement.


The physical career workshop will have 4 general sessions and 6 breakout industry-focused sessions, and it is set to educate the participants about various career pathways and opportunities in their fields of interest, drive participation and engagement in developing new career paths/goals, and provide resources that will aid the participants to build credible and sustainable skills.

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