
Digital Rights and Inclusion Forum 2024 (DRIF24)


Digital Rights and Inclusion Forum (DRIF) is an important platform where conversations on African digital policy are shaped, policy directions debated, and partnerships forged for action. It hosts diverse skills and capacities for enhancing digital rights and inclusion on the African continent and beyond. 

DRIF has set its tone as the arena for challenging topical global issues around Internet rights, especially in Africa, and consolidating views from civil society, technology companies, government, academia, and other stakeholders. DRIF24, the 11th edition since the forum's inception, will be held under the theme, Fostering Rights and Inclusion in the Digital Age

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To create your personalized DP

1. Tap the avatar to upload your photo (Square photos are recommended to avoid clipping)

2. Enter your name in the text field

3. Once image is uploaded and you are satisfied with the preview, click "Generate my DP"
