
P3 Conference [Hidden Music Conference 14.0]


Hidden Music Conference is for everyone involved in the art and act of worshipping God; individuals who have great passion for excellent artistic expressions. The conference inspires, refreshes, and equips individuals to enable them use their gifts/talents for community development. 

This edition is tagged: P3 Conference "Promised Persuaded Performed"

The conference has become multifaceted, with great diversity in demography of participants (interdenominational non-music oriented). The conference inspires, refreshes, equips and encourages participants to take their artistic expressions to the next level.

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To create your personalized DP

1. Tap the avatar to upload your photo (Square photos are recommended to avoid clipping)

2. Enter your name in the text field

3. Once image is uploaded and you are satisfied with the preview, click "Generate my DP"
