
Siloam 2024: Lively Stones


SILOAM is the annual conference of our ministry. Over the years, this conference has been marked by in-depth teaching of God's word, as this conference is mostly a teaching conference where men are exposed to the revelation knowledge of scripture, thereby eliminating ignorance and deception from the hearts of believers.

This year, our theme, "LIVELY STONES" is inspired by 1 Peter 2:5, emphasizing our spiritual identity as living stones, who are being built into a spiritual house.

Every believer at new birth is a stone, a living one. But there's only so much God can do with a stone. God intends to transform that stone into a house because He seeks a place to dwell. God cannot dwell in a stone, but he can dwell in a house (Isaiah 66:1)

This is why a believer must desire to be built up. It is good to be a living stone, but it is more expedient to become a spiritual house because only then can a man house God.

This building comes by the word of God. God builds men up by words. This is what our ministry seeks to achieve with SILOAM conference yearly. We believe that by teaching the undiluted word of God, men can be built up into spiritual houses, making them "places" fit for God to rest (Isaiah 66:1)

Lively Stones, are you ready to be built up???

Register now! https://www.layersoftruth.org/siloam2024/register

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