
Teach4SDGs 2024 Cohort 5


In a bid to promote sustainable development and educate the future generation about the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), AIIDEV Africa has launched Cohort 5 of the Teach4SDGs. The Teach4SDGs programme is a 12-week intensive training that includes 10+ advanced workshops, lectures, comprehensive readings and assessments, and practical projects that will allow school educators to deepen their understanding of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The programme will cover the 17 SDGs and their targets, as well as relevant topics such as Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), Climate Change, Environmental Sustainability, Green Economy, Circular Economy and Sustainable Waste Management, Project Management, Technology and Innovation for Educators.

The goal of Teach4SDGs is to equip primary and secondary teachers with the resources needed to educate the next generation to achieve a sustainable future. The project will provide teachers with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to effectively teach their students about the SDGs, and support the integration of the SDGs into the existing curriculum. By integrating SDG-based education into the curriculum, the project aims to promote sustainable development, increase awareness, and encourage action toward achieving the SDGs.

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