


The program is a groundbreaking collaboration between the Access Bank and the Vice President's office, dedicated to empowering Individuals and MSMEs. With a focus on capacity development, financial empowerment, and business exchange, the program aims to impact 4 million youths over the next four years.

Youthrive is more than just a training program; it's a gateway to endless opportunities in the tech industry. With the support of Access Bank, we aim to equip you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to thrive in today's fast-paced tech world.

Your name
Not sure how to create your personalized DP
To create your personalized DP

1. Tap the avatar to upload your photo (Square photos are recommended to avoid clipping)

2. Enter your name in the text field

3. Once image is uploaded and you are satisfied with the preview, click "Generate my DP"
